A holistic way to a new vitality
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Let me show you how my naturopathic medical approach can help you
Naturopathic medicine is a distinct system of primary care that addresses the root cause of illness or disease and promotes health and healing using natural therapies.
"I specialize in difficult to resolve, hard to treat, chronic medical cases for the motivated patient. My goal is not just to utilize natural means to help you cope with your chronic illness, but to resolve it completely."

Genevieve Stalla, N.D. (Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine)
Where I can help...
Chronic Skin Conditions
Women's Health
Gastrointestinal Disorders
Hormonal Imbalances
Autoimmune Disordrers
Available Services
(Offered Infancy to Elderly)
Lifestyle Counseling
Whole Food Nutritional Therapy
Carroll Food Intolerance Method
Contact Reflex Analysis (CRA)
Craniosacral Therapy
Visceral Manipulation
Muscle Energy Stretching
Osteopathic Manipulation
Homeopathic Medicine
Cell Salt Therapy
Psychosomatic Energetic Therapy
Flower Essence Therapy
Botanical Medicine
Clinical Biofeedback
Cold Laser Therapy

"We highly recommend Dr. Stalla. Currently, three of our family members have been treated by Dr. Stalla with excellent results. Our children are always happy to see her because her office has such a relaxing atomosphere and her techniques are non-invasive. If you are struggling to get answers about what is going on with your health, this is the place for you."
Janna & Jamie Copfer
"You have provided more quality answers in the few years I've known you and helped improve me, and those around me, a better quality of life that I've known EVER! You're a saint, angel, healer of the utmost."
Mike Franklin
"I saw better more consistent results with Dr. Stalla than I did with any sort of dentist prescribed Electro-Stim and mouthguard treatments, or any sort of doctor prescribed steroid. She has shown me hope and proof that a road to recovery is actually fully possible for my jaw."
Josh Brugman
"Dr Stalla has the knowledge and the wide range of skills to help our bodies find what they need to heal and feel alive once again. She has saved my life and I will be forever thankful for it."
John O'Byrne